To whom it may concern…scratch that,
Let me start over, if you’re reading this, I hope this touches a little piece of home for you. If you need this, I hope you are reading this.
Take a step back and close your eyes, who comes to mind when you think of someone you don’t want to interact with, don’t want to talk to, because they have sharp edges and have rough words. We avoid these people because their negativity dims our rose lens perspective.
Maybe we are that person, who just hasn't seen the lucky side of life too often, the one that struggles to find light in the world. I think we all go through this phase, sometimes it might last a little longer than others. When we are overcome with bitterness, hatred, and disassociation, causing us to distance ourselves socially and mentally creating a divide trapping ourselves with our own negativity.
This is such a dark place to be, and those who surround you can see it. It is tiring. And it is lonely. With the hardness creating a shell around yourself, others choose to disassociate, lose communication, and back away from your struggling self. And what a terrible feeling.
Try talking to these people, try to crack a little piece of their hardness. It can be mutually beneficial. We all have so much beauty and light inside us, sometimes it just takes an imitating step to remind someone that there is hope and that they are loved. You are enough.
In one of my favorite holiday movies, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Cindy Lu said it right when she nominated the Grinch to be holiday cheer-meister:
"The cheer-meister is the one who deserves a back slap or a toast. And it goes to the soul at Christmas who needs it most.”
Whether you are a Who in Whoville or not, those who are hardest to love want to be loved and show love the most.