It is now officially 2017 and I'm sure many of you had awesome, original New Year's resolutions. I'm equally sure that many of you have also already given up on them. Come on, you should've tried to last a week or two. So for those of you that set a resolution every year and actually follow through with it, I give you serious props because I am not one of those people. This article is not meant for you, but it is however meant for what I believe is the vast majority.
Maybe some of you decided to start going to the gym three times a week or cut back on sweets. I'm sure many people are hoping to be happy in 2017 or find a job they love, or just find love itself, or even focus on themselves.
If those are the goals you set for yourself, I think it's important to try and work towards them, but why does it need to start on January 1st? Why is it acceptable to fill up on unhealthy foods on New Year's Eve, and then decide that you can suddenly turn into a new person when the clock strikes 12? The "New year, new me" garbage is exactly that because it's unrealistic to expect your behaviors to become ideal simply because you post it on Facebook or tell your friends. They're all rolling their eyes, too.
Wouldn't it be more efficient to start every day with that attitude? No, scratch that, because you don't have to be a new you. You just need to be a better you, the best you possible. If you want to find the job you love, start applying to places you could love! While you're waiting until the new year is here, other people are out there actively looking, and taking possible opportunities from you. While you sit on the couch thinking about what days of the week you'll go to the gym once January begins, you could be on the treadmill already getting healthier.
No one is telling you to wait, except this ridiculous notion that the start of a new year means you need to make a change. Change should be constantly present in your life, hopefully always for the better. Life would be pretty boring if we only worried about making a difference once the new year started. Would you look at a sink full of dirty dishes and say to yourself, "January 1st I'm going to start washing the dishes!"? That sounds pretty ridiculous, so why is it any less ridiculous to make more serious life changes dependent on a day of the month?
So start today, start tomorrow, but don't wait. When people ask what my New Year's resolution is, I think I'm going to leave out the "New Year's" part.