It happens to everyone, at least once. Whether it’s a heartbreak that was brought on by a relationship or a “never going to happen” kind of thing, heartbreak is heartbreak. There are so many different kinds that happen for various reasons and at different severity, but either way, a heartbreak is never fun.
To those dealing with a heartbreak –
This letter was originally going to specifically be for my close friends who are currently dealing with tough heartbreaks, but sometimes it’s nice to know that other people that might not even know you sympathize for, and with you, because everyone has been through a heartbreak or will have to deal with one at some point.
Life has a funny way of giving us absolute euphoria through love and then pulling it away and turning all that euphoria into ultimate depression and indescribable pain. There are endless quotes about love and how “it’s like giving someone your heart and trusting them not to break it,” but once they do you lose that trust for anyone who comes in the future.
Heartbreak is so bittersweet. It has the power to completely destroy a queen, but once it’s run its course, hell hath no fury. Heartbreak builds walls of protection that could truly rival the Great Wall and all the guards at Buckingham Palace. Heartbreak insinuates a feeling inside all of us that feels like you’ve been dragged down so deep it is unescapable. But right before you lose all hope, you come up for air and have the courage to reinvent yourself and allow all the memories and feelings to become exactly what they have to be, a part of the past. Crying and eating junk food isn’t just a thing in the movies, it truly is a comfort that should be sought out in the midst of feeling completely broken; there is no food that will not be able to fill the cracks of the heart.
There will be days where getting out of bed and continuing on does not seem like an option and the thought of love will disgust you to the point of pure bitterness; and that is normal. For a while you’ll see happy couples and wonder where you went wrong; you’ll want to blame yourself or blame your ex, but you can’t. Life has a way of having a reason behind everything and we don’t always get to know those reasons right away, but you have to trust that all will work out in the long run. Tears will flow and pain will be felt for months. It will gradually get better but there will be times when you think all is fine and then the pain comes back. That too will subside with time.
There are many things that will come out of a heartbreak, but the most important lessons to remember are that love is not to blame and neither are the future people that come into your life and want to love you. Confidence can be built back up, and the best revenge is showing true happiness and letting it radiate off you, making you glow and beam. Women all through out history have survived, and so will you. Do not let your past heartbreaks define your future love. To do so, would be unfair to your future love and unfair to yourself.
There is a person out there for everyone; happiness and love deserve to be felt by everyone, there are no exclusions. Let your heart heal and give yourself the time to hurt and heal, but be ready to make a recovery and be better than ever within months. You control how hurt you are and you control whether or not that heartbreak will define a certain time in your life.
I mean it when I say this; everything will be okay. I’ve seen so many people go through what seemed like the worst break up ever, and they were able to continue on and find that wonderful euphoria again. It is possible, but it’s all in your mindset. Positivity and determination is what leads to the most success in every aspect of life, even when it comes to heartbreak. Pain is not forever, it is only temporary. Flowers don’t grow without rain, and the sun will always come after a storm.
All my love and support,