Hi, guys. Long time, no see. Well, kind of see. I lowkey stalk you guys on social media trying to be a part of your lives. It sounds creepy, I know. But it's better than not being there at all.
I see some of you are doing well in school. That's good. I see some of you are in new relationships. I hope they're better than the last one. I see you guys are having fun without me. That's okay. I'm okay.
It feels really weird being so far removed from friends and family. I mean, I definitely don't have it as bad as some other people who decide to go to college in California, knowing their home is in Florida. Still, it's weird all the same. It's like you've lived in this comfortable bubble all of your life...and then you choose to leave, thinking it would be good for you. It's what my future needs, you think. Surely I can live with it?
Interestingly enough, it's a lot harder than you would think.
A lot of my time, I spend rereading book series, doing homework, eating take-out, and binge watching my life away. It's kind of sad seeing people at a party that you wish you could go to or join that group of friends that is forever lit.
But somehow, I feel stronger for it.
I've learned how to be my own person. I've learned to balance my life. I've learned how to be alone.
Being a person who's always had someone to hang out with, it's been interesting getting to know who I am. And yeah, it's sad and lonely sometimes, but at least I'm getting through the whole "extensive, self-discovery" phase.
At least from here, it can only go up.
So to the people I left behind, thank you for always giving me someone to love and have fun times with. This time I'm away isn't all bad. The second I come back, I know we'll pick up like I never left. I hope we never lose it.
P.S. I'm the funniest person you know anyway.