It is that time of year again when we decide that we are finally going to work on ourself. The freshman 15 hit us a little to hard and we are ready to start getting our bodies back into shape for summer. So we buy all of our vegetables and get into good habits then we slowly stop. We make up excuses such as we are too busy, we are too broke, or I'll start next Monday. Even though being in college those excuses may be true but it is time to stop waiting for Monday's or the first of the month. Even though it will be hard to say no to the endless amount of ice cream and pizza, it is time to start focusing on ourselves and being healthy. We don't need to start some crazy diet, but just to change our lifestyle.
1. Drink plenty of may taste like nothing but it is the best thing for your body. It promotes weight loss, flushes out any toxins, and improves our skin, and about a million other reasons as well. Always keep a bottle of water with you on campus to always turn too if you feel hungry or if you feel yourself craving any sugary beverages. Adding lemon, cucumbers, mint, or any other fruit adds a kick to it as well.
2. Plan ahead…always plan ahead on days that you will be on campus all day. If that means bringing snacks to hold you over in between classes or bringing your lunch.
3. Know your surroundings…we’re college students and that means we are broke and can’t always buy all of the groceries that we need so we have to settle for dining halls. Dining halls can be your best friend or worst enemy. You have to go in there and know you can’t indulge on the endless pizza or ice cream. The salad bar is your friend along with the other healthy options. It is okay to have those late night pizza or ice cream cravings, just know your limits.
4. Invest…in crockpots, blenders, or any cooking appliances. You can find cheap crockpots at Wal-Mart for under $15. They will be the biggest time saver when you are gone all day. Just pop some chicken, veggies, and some water in it and you come home to a healthy meal. Along with blenders to make quick smoothies so you can save time in the mornings or if you are cravings something sweet.
5. Take advantage…of the recreational center. Who cares if it is packed all of the time. Everyone is in there for a reason and they are probably having the same thoughts as you are. So you run on that treadmill or you step into the weight room. Be confident.
6. Tupperware...make it your best friend. When you're stuck on campus all day or staying late at work it will always come in handy to throw a salad or leftovers in than warm up instead of spending all of your money on fast food.
7. Sleep…and college are two words that don’t go hand in hand together. It’s true we are too focused on schoolwork, our social life, staying healthy, and everything else to worry about sleep. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep in college sounds like an impossible task but it will make you overall feel so much better.
8.Check ahead…if you have plans with your friends for lunch always check the menu ahead of time. Look up the nutritional information ahead to find the healthiest options.
9.Time...always plan out your day the night before. If you are going to bring your lunch or if you are meeting your friends for lunch. Or what is the best time to workout. If it means getting up an hour earlier or getting to bed an hour later, always find time to get a good workout in.
10. know that you aren’t going to lose ten pounds in two weeks, you are going to have your days when you want to give up, you are going to have the times when you skip the gym, and indulge on lots of pizza and it is totally okay. Eating healthy and exercising isn’t part of a diet it is a lifestyle. It is okay to have drinks with the girls or have your slip ups when eating out. The amount of work you put in it is what you will get out of it.