At times, my thoughts beg to be freed of my head
A torture chamber of my own making
The endless circling down the drain
A rushing stream of consciousness, the inner monologue that drains my energy from every corner of my brain
Sometimes looking at what I feel on paper is the only way to make it work
The beginning of self expression
When the words fall onto the page and make sense of the mess going on in my head
It’s wonderful to think someone else has said that word too,
That "melancholy," or "furious," or "disgruntled" can be felt by anyone
Someone else felt that too, and they made a word that is now understood
I am not always understood,
But sometimes my words can be
I can explain
But other times words fail me
What do you do
When there are no words?
No magic adjective to describe what is going through your head?
No comfort or solace to be found in the innocent shapes of letters, little dashes that are understood and make sense to everyone
Maybe you can’t always understand everything
But, words can help sometimes
Sometimes the letters are the only things that stay the same when your world is thrown to chaos
The only thing that makes the thoughts
make sense.