There comes a point in our lives when we question every single decision we've made. I have always questioned everything I have done. As we get older we wonder if we are on the right path. Sometimes you can't help but wonder if the future is what you want it to be.
Don't sit and wonder on all you could have done. Look at what you have done. Look at what you want to accomplish in the future. Don't look at other people accomplishments and amount yourself failure because you have still done aspects they haven't. Everyone has a dish to give to the table.
The universe has a plan for everybody. Even though at this moment, life may seem far from perfect, look at how far you have come. Remember it's not all about how many internships or jobs you have. It's honestly about what you strive to become.
We all have dreams that we want to accomplish. We all have a vision for our future. It's scary to know that your life is far from perfect. That one moment from the past could have made a difference today. Where you are now is where you are supposed to be. You will grow. You will learn from your mistakes. You will of course succeed.
I'm trying to stop obsessing over what I haven't done and just accept the parts of my life that have been a success. One can only move forward by accepting the circumstances. I'll say this: You have done enough.
Own your path. Strive for success. Create new aspects for change. Always try to remember that your not only one who feels like to swerved to the side of the road. Your path doesn't have to be fixed. There are so many different roads and you never have to choose one.
This is only the beginning and not the end. All you have done in your lifetime is fine. Any mistakes you have made along the way, you have time to change even if you don't believe it.
It's your life. Always be happy. No ones' success is ever greater than yours.