32 years ago, my parents met on the first day on college and here I am on the same stomping ground. I don't know whether it was socializing inside The Boot or dancing around like fools at a fraternity party, when I realized how special and amazing it is to share the connection of going to the same college as my parents. Between parents weekend, homecoming, and the alumni reunion I spent countless about of hours listen to my parents reminisce on the good ole days at Tulane University.
The whole weekend, we spent sharing hilarious stories about places, parties, memories that we've both experience down in New Orleans. It's funny how some things never do change. 32 years ago, they were still dancing on elevated spaces at F&M's Patio Bar and drunk eating Boot Pizza past midnight. I had an ongoing picture in my head of my dad as a frat star, barely passing, but always drinking, and my mom being that girl who danced like a lunatic after a sip of beer- let me tell you, she can sure bust out some moves. We laughed at the fact my mom thinks JL (the all girls dorm) is like God, and how she would go and cry when she saw my dad flirting with other girls before they dated.
Being the baby of the family, I have always had a special connection to my parents, but ever since stepping foot on campus becoming a Tulane student our relationship has changed. I feel as though, I have a new connection to them, and even though I may not be with them at home, there's still a part of them here, making this my new home. Tulane and New Orleans will be a bond my parents and I share forever.
Their visit reenforced the fact that some thing things really never change, and although, they have a couple more years on them, they still have that New Orleans rhythm in them, that will keep them young and our connection even stronger.