Time keeps inching forward,
Slipping through our fingers,
Pulling us farther into mystery.
We never know what to expect,
Anything is possible,
Everything has a time limit.
As I push forward,
Wishing life was limitless,
Wishing life was timeless,
Wishing time would just stop for a while,
Things keep getting harder.
Life is an obstacle course,
We are the runners
Trying to make it to the finish line
The best that we can.
Some obstacles seem to be impossible,
Seeming to be holding us back,
Seeming to pull us off course.
This course of mine,
It's hard to tell
What direction I'm supposed to go.
Ita hard to press on
When everything seems to be
Going in the opposite direction.
The loss of a family pet,
A family member in the hospital,
The pile of unfinished assignments,
The confusion on where
My calling is supposed to be.
I feel so helpless,
I don't know where to turn,
I don't know how to move
Past this difficult course.
Every time the path
Seems to be clear enough ahead,
Another obstacle pops up,
Just harder than the last.
Hands shaking,
I do my best
To try to keep moving forward.
The path isn't easy,
But all I can do is try.
I may not succeed at first,
But I know this feat
Can be overcome
With the right amount of work.
Prayerfully yearning
To make it through this obstacle,
I'm doing g the best I can,
Yet I still feel
Like I'm doing nothing else
But failing everything around me.
The feeling of failing
The people I love,
The feeling of failing
To be at the place
That is best suited for me.
Where am I supposed to be?
Who am I supposed to be?
How am I supposed to be
The best that I can be
If everything keeps falling apart?
How am I supposed to be
The best that I can be
When these obatacles
Seem to be throwing me backwards?
Praying to the Almighty,
The creator of the Earth,
It seems to be leaving me
With more questions than before.
My faith is shaking,
My faith is struggling,
But I'm doing the best that I can
To try to keep my faith.
It may not be easy,
But it's the only thing
That I know is guaranteed.
I keep pushing forward,
Though I'm growing weary.
I keep pushing forward,
Though I'm too weak
To be fighting Much longer.
How am I
Supposed to keep going
When my world is collapsing?
How am I
Supposed to keep going
When the obstacles
Are getting more difficult?
These obstacles that I'm fighting,
They are taking away
Too much of my energy.
I become more and more drained,
Feeling sicker and sicker.
I keep pushing on though,
Trying to make it through
This mess of a life.
I keep pushing forward
In hopes that things
Hopefully start to get better,
In hopes that things
Start to get easier.
But until then,
I have to just keep fighting,
Just keep pushing forward.