In life, true friends are hard to come by. When it comes down to it, you should be able to count the number of true friends you have on one hand. A true friend is someone who is always going to be there for you through the ups and the downs in life. Who is there to laugh with you through the tears, slap you when I you’re being stupid, and embrace your craziness. True friends are hard to find and even harder to keep. This one goes to my long distance best friend.
We both graduated high school and embarked on separate paths. We both had different goals in life, and we went after what we wanted. It wasn’t like the distance was new to us though, we had distance from the beginning because we didn’t attend the same high school and we didn’t get to see each other every day. I was never used to having her through every step of my day, but it felt like she was. We had time to text and hang out during our high school years.
Once college began things changed, as you might know life gets extremely busy, it’s hard to even find time for yourself. Freshman year is definitely an adjustment period. I remember texting her once in a blue moon whenever it was convenient for me because my schedule was so hectic. She always answered when I needed her most. I can’t remember a time when I needed her and she wasn’t able to be there for me. She was there for me when I was home sick, when I was having adjustment problems and other little things in life. The distance didn’t matter it didn’t stop her ever from being able to be there for me when I needed her the most. I appreciate how much she cared for me when I needed her the most.
Distance is hard, we all know that. It was an adjustment not being able to find the time to tell her every little detail that was happening in my life and not being able to be a part of every little detail of her life. The distance didn’t kill our relationship, if anything it made it stronger. We could go months without talking, texting or any communication, but when we saw each other again for the first time in months it was like nothing had ever changed. We were able to pick up right where we left off. My favorite memory will always be coming home from college. She was the first person waiting for me at my doorstep, ready to tackle me with her hugs and catch up on everything that we have missed in each other’s life.
Having a friend like her is something that is truly special and something that I cherish every day. There has never been any hard feeling towards each other, just love and understanding. Not to say that our relationship has been perfect, we have each had our ups and our downs, and different opinions for sure. At the end of the day we will always find a true friend in each other, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Thanks for loving me from a distance the same way you love me from right here.
To my long distance best friend you are irreplaceable.