This Isn’t Working, a new web series on abc digital, is the new must-watch “show” for Fall 2016! It goes through the life of Sarah Turner, played by internet personality Lisa Schwartz, and what “temp jobs” she goes through in order to make a living as a famous actress. She goes from one crazy job to the next, such as a Tequila Promo Girl and Haunted House Actor.
Lisa Schwartz made a video on September 2nd on her You Tube channel, lisbug, announcing the show, saying it has been “an absolute dream come true”. Schwartz has an internet following of around 1.9 million YouTube subscribers, and she wanted to give back to them by teaming up with ABC to create some free content for her viewers to enjoy. “It’s funny, weird, and cute….,” Lisa states about the series.
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As a fellow fan of Schwartz, I took it upon myself to dedicate some time into binge watching her new series. It is a web series, so each episode is only around ten minutes long, so it’ll only take you about an hour to get through the show. That makes it the perfect thing to binge watch for the upcoming weekend, especially if you still have work to do and can’t dedicate time to a whole season of another show.
I must say this is something every young adult should watch. The show is relatable because it’s about following your dreams and how un-glamorous it can truly be. The temp jobs throughout the series are terrible and only provide a minimal amount of money to help Sarah pay rent, but it teaches lessons of hard work paying off. It’s not easy to follow your dreams, but if you are passionate enough about something, then it will take courage and hard work to make them come true.
Schwartz has really outdone herself this time. She made a video about six years ago on her YouTube channel promising to make a whole series about awful jobs. It took a while, but she delivered and went above and beyond. This series was the perfect thing for me on a boring Friday night. It was like watching a movie but getting more invested in the characters and their story.
This Isn’t Working helps show that the little guy can truly give him or herself a name. You-tubers are often seen as creators with an “easy job”. People don’t realize how much work You-tubers put into their content. They are artists who create a vision, and they should begin being treated as such. They work just as hard as anyone in the industry. So please take an hour of your time to watch This Isn’t Working on ABCdigital to support “the little guy” and give them the recognition they deserve. You won’t regret it.