This is what happens when you forget to write an Odyssey article.
There are many results that may come from forgetting to write an Odyssey article. Unfortunately, they aren't all amazing, so without further ado, here is a list of 10 things that can happen if you forget to write an Odyssey article.
1. Regina George will punch you and it will be "awesome"
Unfortunately, it will only be awesome for her. On the bright side, you may have an excuse to get that nose job you've wanted.
2. Cthulu will come and mess up your life.
My friend Joe forgot to write an Odyssey article and turned into one of Cthulu's many victims. Poor guy just wanted to go out, now he can't go anywhere.
3. A poor innocent puppy may die because of your tardiness
This is Tilly. She likes to go outside and play games. She also enjoys living. If you don't write your article, she won't be able to do any of these things. Protect poor Tilly write your damn article!
4. You will get pregnant and dieWrite your Odyssey article or you will get pregnant and die. Unfortunately, this is a serious threat as you could be getting pregnant and dying instead of writing your Odyssey article. Just write your Odyssey article; I don't want you to get pregnant and die.
5. You may not even get pregnant; you could just die.
If you aren't writing your article, you could go out and do life-threatening activities that could lead to your own untimely death. I would hate to see a coffin with your name on it, so for my sake, please write your article, kay?
7. You could have a run-in with the secret service, they could turn your brain to mush, and you may forget how to write anything at all.
8. You might end up in Donald Trump's cabinet.
As you may know, Donald Trump loves the poorly educated. Not writing your article will lead to you retaining less information, therefore becoming poorly educated. This may lead to you appearing on Donald's radar for secretary of American tradition. Yeah, that's one of the positions he wants.
9. Your granny could find out, and you know she won't be happy with you!
Grannies are quite possibly the hardest people to please, but the easiest people to piss off. You don't want to piss off granny, don't give her another reason to hate you.
10. You could be removed from your Odyssey community.
Yeah, we needed some realism in this article. If you don't post enough, you will be removed. It's as simple as that.
I hope that this list has helped you to realize the many effects that can come from your inability to post an Odyssey Article. If you love puppies, your life, and granny, please, for the love of God, write your article.