So, it’s the age where most of us are spending about 8 hour work days (and then some) on our sweet laptops. Distractions are rampant at best and unavoidable unavoidable at worst. Top that up with social media #FOMO and the damage can’t be helped. Our minds and eyes wander and it’s like cancer to our work. It always starts slow, with a quick scroll through twitter or a funny GIF on iFunny but then by lunch, you're knee-deep in buzzed quizzes. So let’s use technology against itself and instead of trying to cram the hours of neglected work into a few minutes, let’s smoothly sail through.
Here are the apps that can get the worst procrastinator on track!
- Self Control: This is the app for procrastinators who easily cave into their distractions. It works by simply blocking you from your go-to blogs and favorite time-sucking websites.
- App Detox: When it comes to procrastination, the green juice detox is of no use. App Detox is for you! With this app, you get to create your own rules like setting up time limits for the apps that are your major offenders, saving your hours from the Instagram black holes and endless tinder swiping. When you violate your rules, App Detox will gently remind you to take a break or for the ones out there in need of tough love, it will just stop the app from working at all. There is even a tab that helps you track your violations if shame is your kind of thing-no judgement made!
- Procaster: Positive reinforcement helps at times and this app offers short term rewards and solutions to long lists or big projects. It will also encourage you to break a long task into short, single ones and choose a reward for each delegation.
- Procrastination Punisher: Just like positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement is also a tried and true method! You basically block the typical app or website culprits for a selected time frame and if you violate the blocks and visit them during the set window, you’ll be charged a fee. Fines make a fine incentive, don't they?