The tear-jerking NBC drama "This Is Us" has been making us cry every Tuesday (and one Super Bowl Sunday) since 2016. Through the tears, you can learn some pretty big lessons about life (and not all of them are taught by Jack Pearson).
1. It's ok to not be able to fix things.
Randall struggles with being able to take care of his family, be "Super-Dad", all while dealing with finding his birth father, and his job as a Weather Trader. It is a continuing lesson for Randall to learn that he cannot fix the entire world.
2. Don't settle; go after your dreams.
Kate got a little help in this department from both Jack and Toby. Jack encouraged Kate to be all she could be. After his passing, she lost her way a little. Enter Toby. Toby is the most supportive "fat-friend" (his words not mine), boyfriend, fiancé, and husband there could ever be.
3. Love your family members despite their flaws.
Kevin is a bit of a mess. Yet, through bad acting roles, a DUI, and rehab, the Pearson clan supports him through it all! Families support each other.