7 Reasons Why "This Is Us" Is One Of The Best Shows On Television | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons Why "This Is Us" Is One Of The Best Shows On Television

"This Is Us" is a whole new level of good whether you like comedy, drama, or romance.

7 Reasons Why "This Is Us" Is One Of The Best Shows On Television

When I look for a good show to watch I typically land on comedy or romantic ones, but when I first saw "This Is Us" it was a whole different level of good and it didn't quite fall in neither of these categories. This show is incredibly well written and deals with a lot of different topics that need to be discussed, yet everything is presented with such interesting twists.

1. You get hooked from the first episode.

Yes, this is not one of those shows that you need to watch a few episodes before you start to love it. You'll enter the emotional rollercoaster as soon as you see that first episode, because the show really does a great job at surprising you at any given point.

2. It appeals to both males and females.

Some emotional shows like this one tend to only be appealing to females, but "This Is Us" has as many emotional scenes for the female characters as well as the male ones. This is great because both genders get to connect on that level with the characters. Not many shows can do this. Plus, if you're trying to watch this with your significant other, chances are they will agree.

3. It presents racism in a different light.

Given that the main characters who are white adopt an African-American child, the audience is able to look at racism from a different perspective. Yet, racism is presented from the point of view of every character in the show, ranging from the parents to the significant others of the character being discriminated against.

4. There's never a dull moment in the show.

"This Is Us" constantly takes you on a journey from the past to the present and plays with the characters' reality. It brings up how things from the past affect humans and how those things have certain control over how the characters react and behave in the show.

5. You feel as if you were part of the family.

Whether you agree on the issues presented on the show, you'll find a character that you identify with. After all, this show does a great job of tackling different viewpoints.

6. You feel inspired to be better.

While the show illustrates how much the characters struggle and battle certain things, such as depression, addictions, and even self-doubt, the show is written in a way that inspires you to be better. It shows you that everyone is actually battling with something, just like you are.

7. The cast is outstanding.

It's rare for me to find a show in which I like all of the actors in the cast. Yet, this show has exactly the amount of actors needed to make the show work, without any character being left undeveloped. No character remains a mystery as all of them have a good amount of participation in the show.

If you're looking for a show to watch that doesn't only help you pass time, but also makes you reflect, this is the show for you. I promise you won't regret it!

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