When you get to college, you have the mind set of no joining clubs or making new friends. Thats what happened to me in my freshman year of college. I thought, okay Im not going to join any clubs and I can make new friends. Im going to go and get my degree and leave. See, one thing of college does to the mind, it changes and opens up your mind to new possibilities.
I joined one of the classes for my major requirement my last year of college and Im regretting it incredibly. See at first, I was afraid of change and being up for new experiences but I have grown from my freshman year to now. I had a friend go to grad school in the UK and I had to adjust to change. During that time, I was so focused on opening up to new possibilities. I joined the school newspaper, made friends from there and definitely awaken my passion for writing. I also, joined the literary journal last semester and I was even brave enough to become an officer for the club. Then thats when it happened. I felt like I was home with my second family. At first, I was afraid because of new faces, mixed with old faces but then I gotten over the fear. Now, Im glad to call them my family. They have become part of my life and became people whom I care a lot about.
We might not be perfect, but at least we enjoy each other's company and we're like siblings. Who are there for each other whenever we need it and pick each other up whenever we're down.
"This is my family. I found it all on my own. Its little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good."- Sitch; Lilo & Stitch.