I often find myself begging for God to rescue me from the place that I am in. My prayers consist of asking Him to fill me with confidence because I feel insecure, to flood me with wisdom because I need to make a choice, to give me more endurance to push through the last few weeks of school, or to fix my eyes on Him when all I want is what the world is offering. Even though I trust that my God has me in His hands, I know that the enemy wants to lure me away from Him.
A few nights ago, I had a seemingly empty dream but in this dream, I saw the word “Galatians.” A little background, I have been dealing with a ton of insecurity. Whether it’s because my skin is unclear, my body doesn’t look the way it used to, or even because I feel unworthy of what God called me to do, I struggle to shake the feeling of being less than.
I have been allowing the enemy to fill me with what I thought was my identity.
The next morning when I woke up and opened my Bible, I decided to go ahead and read some of Galatians. In chapter two, Paul says that we have died to the law so that we may live for God. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me.
I don’t know about you, but this verse allows me to take a sigh of relief. This verse means that every insecurity, every worry, and every doubt that I have about myself is meaningless because of He who lives within me.
My identity lies not in how much I weigh, how many blemishes I have, or how “good” of a Christian I am, but instead in the perfection of my Savior.
While it is easier said than done, seeking identity in the Father will set you free from a life of imprisonment by the enemy. I am a seed that is buried to grow. We are not born as perfectly bloomed flowers (and we won’t be perfectly bloomed flowers until we are reunited with Jesus). Throughout our lives on earth, we are constantly being shaped by something. Don’t let your shape be determined by the world because you will be disappointed every time.