Ever since Donald Trump was elected, the left has been jumping at every opportunity to scrutinize and knock our president. Political activism has essentially turned into a game of who can scream the loudest. To those of you saying that Donald Trump isn’t your president, whether you like it or not, he is. And wishing that he fails in whatever he does, is like wishing that the pilot of the airplane which you’re on, crashes and burns.
So the election might not have produced the results that you foresaw let alone wanted, but you have to respect the fact that a majority of America did vote for Trump and that a majority of the population does want to see him succeed. Not all of us are against our President. And it’s time that we all start acting like we’re fighting towards the betterment of our country rather than the demise of it. Burning the American flag or belittling your peers and friends for believing in what they do is utter madness.
Eight years ago when president Obama won the election the Republicans had to grit their teeth and swallow their pride. No one took to the streets in large numbers and cried about having their feelings hurt. No one paraded around in women’s genitalia or had classes canceled because of the “inflicted emotional trauma”. Now I’m not saying that we were ecstatic about Obama’s win, because we weren’t, but we were gracious and accepted the results of the election. We respected the fact that the reason why Obama won was because that’s the way our democracy works. We respected the fact that our peers of different opinion had voiced theirs and had won.
Now to address other matters, I see why a lot of people are upset about the Immigration ban, but I also think that these are the same people who lack the proper information on the issue. So to prevent any misconstrued facts from convoluting the issue at hand, I challenge the people screaming Bloody Mary to do proper research on the topic and actually read the executive order rather than just taking the main stream media’s reporting for face value. Further more, to pretend that you know more about national security than our president and other government officials working along side him, is just absurd.
If you don’t like the idea of making America great again, then leave. If your only concern is to bash our president instead of being constructive with your differing opinions, then leave. Canada will welcome you with open arms. And don’t worry, there’s no wall preventing your entry. I’m sorry if you aren’t happy with how the results of the election turned out, but that’s life. You win some and you lose some. By standing around and wishing that our president fails, you are destroying the great nation which you claim to love so dearly.