This is an open letter to my girlfriends.
It's not a sappy love letter to my best friend about how much I miss her since she got into a relationship. It isn't a letter filled with anger about a friend that wronged me in one way or another. This is a letter to my friends that are stuck in a funk, a rut, a state of despondency.
It's incredibly unnerving seeing the way the women in my life are being treated and recently, it's literally been one giant L after another and it stumps me. College is supposed to be those times where yes, we have our fair share of problems, hurdles, and disadvantages but if we already have so much to worry about why are we constantly trying to wrap our brains around the functions of the male brain? We're constantly on the hunt for answers from them when all the while, they're playing Fortnite in their dingy basement with their equally as dingy friends, headsets and all.
While this is happening, we're analyzing that one snap, that one Insta story and that one time he said that one thing to us. While all of this is undeniably justifiable, it hurts to watch it all happen because along with the analyzations and the waiting games we give into playing with these guys, we are undermining our worth and who we really are. We as women are these strong, independent women with masks made out of flowers and lace and we truly do not need any guy to remind us of this.
It's both difficult and a cliche to remember this when it's a Friday night and the majority of our friends have either paired off with a guy they met earlier that night or having had met up with their significant others and all we're left with is seven slices of pizza and a nightcap that took the shape of a bloody Mary. I won't deny that when alcohol is mixed in with the above scenario, it's extremely difficult not to fall into a deep, dark hole of sadness but it gets better. During this specific point in time, what helps is wallowing in our misery and falling asleep within said wallow of misery. Come the following morning, there's a 99.999% chance that we'll wake up feeling relieved that 1) we aren't sharing our full sized bed with anybody, 2) we didn't into any stupid, dramatic fight with the said dingy guy and 3) we bounced back from said feeling of wallowing from the previous night as quickly as we got into it.
This will come as a shock to us women (and the men in our lives) but we don't exist in this lifetime to please anyone but ourselves. We don't exist to play right into their games of strategically placed Snapchats. We don't exist to pick up your pieces after you've made a complete sh*t storm of your life. Why we exist is to do this: to create the best ever versions of ourselves without any guy being the hurdle in front of us whenever we try. To be able to stand up on our own two feet and not taking any sh*t from any guy because we're afraid that they're the best we can do when in reality, you're the best they'll ever do.