Y'all, adulting is hard. Sometimes I forget to put on pants and sometimes I'm too lazy to brush my hair. This article though, specifically calling me out for being lazy AF for no reason.
1. My dog lay on my computer and fell asleep and I just couldn't bring myself to wake him up so I could type my article.
2. I went out drinking and totally forgot about it.
3. I couldn't think of a single topic that made any sense to me to write about, probably because I've had too much wine and thinking is hard.
4. I got off work late and told myself the whole drive home that I was going to write my article when I arrived home, only to then fall asleep and completely forget.
5. I was probably just about to get up and walk across the room and get my computer and write my article.
Sorry, Kelly! You da bomb though! One day I'll get my life together! Promise!