In the past few weeks, there was a story circulating on a 13-year-old boy named Daniel, who took his own life because he was being bullied, and he said administration wouldn't do anything about it. I also saw a picture as I was scrolling through Facebook that was a text message to a young girl saying she was going to die when she came to school that morning. Someone sent a young girl a death threat. I don't know why that text message was sent, but I don't need to. There isn't ever going to be a good enough reason to send someone a death threat. Bullying in America has got to stop. We have to put an end to children fearing for their life or feeling so helpless they decide to take their own lives. What kind of world are these children growing up in? Why are we not making this a priority? Sure, there are a lot of things going on, but these young children are impressionable. Bullying can stay with a child their whole life.
When I read the story about Daniel, my heart broke into a million pieces. He was only thirteen. He thought he couldn't live one more day because of what others were saying or doing to him. He wrote an even more heartbreaking letter as to why he took his own life. In the letter, he specifically mentions how administration didn't do a thing to stop it. When children are reaching out to an adult because they don't feel safe or comfortable, the adult needs to listen. The smallest problems can become so big so quickly. I can't imagine the pain his family is feeling. That grieving process will be unbearable. This little boy should spark a conversation. We need to be asking ourselves how we can help put an end to this.
I know kids will be kids, and they won't always get along. However, bullying someone is different than kids not getting along. The definition of a bully is a "blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people." They feed off of people who can't fight back. In my opinion, that is the most pathetic kind of person there is. I'm sure that there is a reason that a bully is the way they are, but there are different ways to handle the problems that may arise in life. Making someone feel worthless isn't going to help you feel better.
In my opinion, there isn't a reason as to why a child is silenced when they feel they are being bullied. Sure, some of the accusations may not be 100% credible every time a child says they are being bullied, but we still need to listen. If a child is dismissed when they try to get help, when are they ever going to tell someone thereafter? I feel like this is one of the biggest problems our children face on a day to day basis. I know that bullying doesn't stop when teenagers graduate, but if children are taught how to speak up when they are younger, it will follow them through life. I personally don't have children, but I will always tell my future children that being bullied isn't okay. I don't want my future child to go through school afraid for their life. For every child like Daniel, I hope we find a solution. I hope and pray we can figure out a way for children to speak up.