The day that Donald Trump won the electoral vote, it felt like the world had ended.
Many people across the U.S. realized that their rights were at stake like woman, the LGBT community, low-income families/individuals, immigrants, and people of color. When the news was announced it was a blow to our hearts and since then we had been counting down the days to his inauguration; counting down to the day our nightmare became a reality.
January 21st was one of the greatest days in history and the beginning of more marches and protests to come in these next four years. 30 million people across the U.S. marched for the rights of woman in this country, marking the largest protest in American history. Not only was it a union across America, there was support across the world from the U.K to Japan in our purpose to preserve the rights of the U.S. citizens and against the ideals our 45th president represents.
Woman have been fighting since the 1920s for equality and respect that we deserve. It's mind-blowing that in 2017, we still have to continue fighting for this but we will until all women, meaning transgender women (passing or otherwise), sex workers, and anyone else who identifies as woman, have these opportunities.
This doesn't come down to whatever party you may fall in but down to basic human rights, if you looked at this march with distain you may want to revaluate what makes wanting to be treated like a human so wrong? Fights like these do not just affect the generation of today of our future. If this generation could be the last one to fight for woman's rights it would be a blessing that couldn't come soon enough.
This weekend, the strength of women and allies brought hope back after Trump was sworn in. A strong connection of sisterhood that spanned across the world. This was just day one of a long fight in our country but if the Women's March is any indication of the strength and dedication of people of this country then this will be an amazing 4 years of protesting.
In 2017, we will not go back. The daughters of the future generations will not be allowed to suffer breaking through glass ceiling or question if they can make choices regarding their own bodies. We refuse to let anyone tell us that our march meant nothing, or insult us with insults such as "sensitive snowflakes", the fight has been reenergized and the determination stronger.
Year 2017, while in the cloud of unfairness and rewind to a less progressive time will be a time of great strength throughout communities. It will be tough but we are America and our new POTUS better be ready for the challenge.