*cue the Martina McBride song*
Okay, ladies. Here's the deal: too many of us are letting the opposite sex define how we see ourselves. THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE, if no one has told you. I'm so guilty of it myself, so I figured I'd address myself, and anyone else who may be feeling this way, all at once. We are so quick to get giddy at a text message complimenting how we look or the slightest bit of attention from someone. Now don't get me wrong, those things are great and absolutely necessary to make any relationship work. (Side not for any boys reading this: females need reassurance...like every day. So sorry, that's just the way we're wired). However, ladies, let's not let this be what we look forward to as soon as we wake up. Let's choose Jesus when we open our eyes. Let's be confident in who He made us to be, quirks and all.
Listen, I am possibly the weirdest person you will ever meet, AND I LOVE IT! Seriously, I think I'm the funniest person in the world, and that might sound conceited, but it's really just me finally being at the point where I can laugh at myself and the things I do. It's SO freeing to rest in who the Lord made you to be. You should try it. I know, easier said than done, but when you start feeling anxious or defeated or unworthy, go read about Jesus' promises to you. He's a stellar dude and loves you more than any boy on this earth ever will. His compliments to you in His love letter addressed to us (the Bible) are worth so much more than a "good morning beautiful" text message.
You should absolutely be complimented by your boyfriend/husband/boo thang because he should get excited everyday that he's got a dime piece like you, but as soon as this becomes how we view ourselves, that's where it gets dangerous. What others say about us (doesn't even have to be a significant other...can be friends, parents, comments on our Instagram photos) should be little "add ons" to how we already feel about ourselves. Jesus tells you that you're worthy. He tells you that despite making the oceans, the mountains, the cute little kittens and puppies, and beautiful sunflowers and weeping willow trees, YOU are His most prized possession. He looks at you and feels accomplished in His work. You're the reason He considers His work "good." Crazy, I know, because we see our faults and shortcomings with the biggest magnifying glass in the world, but really that's just Satan trying to tear us down. And boy, does it work.
A sweet friend of mine recently told me that in order to lessen my anxieties and relinquish control of my life, I need to stop focusing on my problems and instead focus on Jesus. Woah. I'll say that again: stop focusing so much on your problems and over-analyzing every little thing in your life and trying to calculate the perfect formula for the perfect life (which, NEWS FLASH: no one has a perfect life!! no matter what their Instagram may tell you!!), so stop focusing on that and focus on your perfect God. His work was finished long before you came into this world and nothing you do can change that. Wowza, what a relief.
SO, be confident in your quirky, fun, football-loving, McDonald's eating, self. The "right guy" will love all of those things about you, not make you feel silly for finding joy in them. Focus on Jesus and what He has to say about you. When a boy tells you "you are so weird haha" laugh along with him and say "I know right?!?!" and move on. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. We're not made to live fearfully. I'm convinced we can start a movement that changes the world if we all foster an environment that encourages women to find their value in Jesus. Turn on your favorite pump-up song and go change the world by being yourself today!!! (My personal favorite/guilty pleasure pump-up song is Cyclone by Baby Bash ft. T-Pain so I included that little gem of a throw-back to brighten your day...don't judge)