Facebook. It's where you go after school, at work, and maybe even after you die. I lack the links to prove that last one. But some little boy just gave us all the willies with a capital *Jabberjaw noise* when he deleted his Facebook.com account after leaving a series of bewildering messages. There are many theories as to what may have caused the boy to delete his Facebook account, but why don't you take a look and see for yourself?
WARNING: The following content has been deemed kind of creepy. Please don't read this alone or in the graveyard your friends dared you to spend the night in.
1. "Where's the towels?"
2. "I guess you didn't hear me the first time. Where's the towels?"
3. "Ah, nice and dry."
4. "Where. Are. The. Towels?"
5. "Mmhmh towels."
6. "When the towels are available and also warm."
7. "Houston, make that two towels, over."
8. "Don't worry, they'll be here. He said he had enough towels if we all came over. We just gotta look harder is all."
9. "Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest Bed Bath and Beyond is? We have an appointment with some towels."
10. "Narrator: In a world without towels, one cow will have to stay dry."
11. "My towel sense is tingling." 
12. "Not exactly what I asked for, but I guess this will do."
13. "'Grand Budapest Hotowel' with this symmetry." 
14. "TOWELS!!!" 
15. "Once upon a time, there were towels..." 
16. "We've come for the towels." 
Then, without warning, this cow lover deleted his Facebook account in a chilling fashion:
Many theories surround this cursed Facebook account. Some think the little cowboy had enough and needed an out. Others think he went outside to enjoy the warming weather. We may never know. Don't worry, he saved his Bitstrips.