OK, so I’ll admit it, I’m a bit of a Facebook addict. At the end of the day, I really do enjoy scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and staying up to date with friends and family who are both near and far.
While Facebook was originally created for college kids to share a handful pictures, and basic status updates, it is clear that the site has grown into a platform for a plethora of uses: sharing world news, life events, birthdays, recipes, celebrity gossip, etc.
However, there comes a point where people over step their Facebook “boundaries.”
The epidemic, of what I like to call “serial posters” is growing at a remarkable rate. This epidemic isn't only subject to millennials, it is a disorder that encompasses all generations. Everyone’s hopping on the bandwagon. This social media outlet for many has turned into a vehicle for sharing whatever you may feel is of importance. But when does it become just too much?
So if you, or someone you know may have contracted “serial posting disorder”, here’s some tell tale signs of exactly what it may look like. Leaving more to the “imagination” is key. I promise.
1. You never fail to post every political stance you have.
Chances are, you’re not going to change anyone else’s political stance from what you post about a particular candidate. As if there isnt enough coverage already on American politics, I can assure you that your two cents do not matter one bit. Nice try though!
2. You have 500+ pictures in an album from all the drunk pictures, selfies, irrelevant photos from every night you went out during the school year.
I promise you will regret it when your employer somehow makes it onto your “private” Facebook page viewing images of you dancing half naked on top of a table at a bar. Oh, and I think we got the point from the first 100 pictures that you spend most of your time on the weekends getting drunk. Thanks for the clarification!
3. You post photos and status updates of your pet every day, sometimes multiple times a day.
Let me tell you, we all love our pets, but we don’t need a status update every time your dog rolls over or tries a new flavor of IAMS from Petco. I can assure you nobody is really quite hyped to see the 200th post of your critter. Nobody really cares!
4. You post when you’re tossing and turning at night and can't sleep.
Please do yourself a favor and take some Ambien, obviously that sh*t works if they advertise it every 30 minutes on TV.
5. You never fail to let us know your exact location by posting a “check in” at an establishment.
Posting exactly where you are, detailed pictures of what you ate and who you were with, is a bit unnecessary, to say the least. Posting consistent “check ins” on Facebook screams: “HI, I’M GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW IT.”
6. You find yourself getting into multiple arguments with people regarding an opposing view they may have.
Perhaps you should think about taking up a boxing class at a local fitness facility. It may be a better vehicle for getting your anger out elsewhere. If you cant be nice then just be quiet.
7. You never fail to post about five dozen pictures kissing your significant other.
I think we got the point from the first half a dozen pictures that you two already are in a relationship. Thanks for the reminder that I’ve been single for the last 20 years of my life.
8. You consistently post videos and pictures of your kids from every single sporting event they participated in.
We get it, your child is a good athlete. As for myself, I knew sports weren't my forte when I didn’t make the JV lacrosse in high school. Your posts are just validating my lack of coordination even further. THANKS.
9. Venting about a coworker.
Fate has it that everyone has that one person or two that drives them crazy at work. If any of your “higher ups” find out about your public posts regarding your frustration about someone at work, chances are you might be “getting the can.” If binge-watching Netflix ever becomes a job, I would suggest taking up a career in that. As for now, refrain from the angry posts. It might benefit you down the road.
10. A pity party for yourself.
Bottom line is, everyone goes through shit. I promise you’re not the only one. Nobody wants to hear your dirty laundry and quite frankly, what ever you’re going through in your personal life, shouldn’t be up for discussion on Facebook. That’s what shrinks are for, duh!