I’m sure there are a number of people outside the metal community who can recognize The Amity Affliction. This Australian metalcore group has been pumping out music for a number of years, and just recently blessed us with another album - This Could Be Heartbreak. This fifth studio album was released back in August, in the almost peak of music released for the summer. Joel's magnificent unclean vocals power through this entire album, while Ahren brings up the rear with his God-like clean vocals, while sweeping across his bass guitar.
We first learned about this album, back a few months before the release. We were informed on their Facebook page, that an announcement was coming. A few days after, we are scrolling through our timeline, and come across an interview with Amity, as they're talking about their latest work. That's when we learn about their new album, and when the project would be released. They encourage us to pre-order and buy merch, as well as releasing a single off the album titled, "I Bring the Weather With Me."
The lead single off this, shows us a more mature look into the music style of The Amity Affliction. Joel shows us his vocals have improved even more, when before we thought they couldn't get any more perfect. The video to this song, leaves us wanting more - we see a deceased Joel Birch laying in a casket, and the rest of Amity paying their respects.
The second single released off this album, "This Could Be Heart Break," revisits the funeral scenario we saw in the first single. Ahren and the rest of the Australian group are sitting at a bar, while Joel awakens in the buried casket. Joel is crying out, trying to get anyone's attention, while the song plays on. Ahren realizes after a while that his friend is still alive, and races back to the cemetery to see his hand sticking out of the ground, not moving. The struggling Joel Birch, finally gave out and has passed on, as the group stares in disbelief. These two videos leave us wanting more, and wanting the album to release.
We already know about "I Bring the Weather With Me," and "This Could Be Heart Break," as we chug along to their third track, "Nightmare." This track speaks volumes at how catchy and how powerful their lyrics are to us. "..so you're living in a nightmare? Well, I'm living in one too..", Ahren chants along in the chorus on this track. This track, and many others off this album, talks about being in a dark place in life. Whether it's depression, anxiety,feeling alone or empty. This album shows us it's okay, and to continue to fight through it, and look at the positive outcome in your life.
The fourth track, "Tearing Me Apart," hits heavy with Joel's incredible lyrics and word play. ".. liquor in my veins.." shows us he's resorting to alcohol to get through the pain, and it's tearing him apart - ironic isn't it? The rhythm and beat to this song is addicting, making you power through the album as you want more and more.
O.M.G.I.M.Y. or "Oh MY God I'm Missing You" hits the subject or missing one true to your heart, more than likely from a death of some sort. Joel and Ahren show us once more how catchy and wonderful their lyrics and vocals can be. The song goes on, as you hear an answering machine come across again, with the same voice from "Let the Ocean Take Me." He pleads with whoever's voicemail it is, to pick up, and when they don't , he deletes the message. This transitions into their third single, All Fucked Up.
This acoustic style of song, doesn't feature much of Joel, as its majority of Ahren. The catchy track was highly viewed on YouTube when it first came out. Many people can relate to the lyrics, and can remember the lyrics, due to its wonderful melody, and obsessive beat. "... will you save me life?..." is chanted by a choir of females, as Joel breaks through briefly with some aggressive uncleans to make the song even more wonderful.
"Fight My Regret," "Some Friends" and "Wishbone" all also hit home on their lyrics and their chorus'. The positive energy and catchy music continues in these tracks, and brings up the rear of the album. The album doesn't lose it's momentum at all through it.
"Note to Self" and "Blood In My Mouth" finish up this project, with authority. Note to Self is a shot out of the cannon with Joel's first verse, as Ahren comes in with the again, catchy chorus. "Show me your black heart beats.." leads the chorus and keeps that taste in your mouth for more. Joel powers on into the length of the song with the lyrics he wrote himself, for he wrote the majority of them in all their albums. "Blood In My Mouth," one of their longest tracks at over five minutes, ends this album probably the best way possible. Joel screams through the song, talking about his 'final goodbye', either referring to the topic scattered out this album and past ones, or possibly ending his career? A very very unlikely thing, but it does make you think.
The Amity Affliction hit us hard with this album, showing us they can continue to change, and continue to pump out wonderful, catchy music. They've been around for years, and always know how to make an impact. I encourage anyone who is battling any kind of heartache, and hurt to listen to this group. They speak volumes to the different types of hurt a person can go through. They're encouraging and positive music can help you through even your darkest times.
All in all, this album is one of my favorites from the year, however, some parts were rushed to me. We hear a revisit from the mysterious voicemail left in Let The Ocean Take Me, but it seemed rushed and lacked emotion in my opinion. Other than that, Amity, you blew me away again.