It had been a stressful night, the wind howling, the treetops swirling as though they were inside a blender. We had already lost a major vein of a limb from the huge maple tree in the backyard. This tree, home to much wildlife, had already shown us the strength of a strong wind in having broken this from the tree and then hurling it down upon other shrubberies, just missing the covered porch roof. That happened during an unusually strong thunderstorm. This storm, however, that came being given the name Dorian, packed 50 mph winds along with rain. No, I could not go back to sleep, no way. Having prayed for protection from the storm and that God wrap His mighty arms around me and my family, and our dwelling, I headed downstairs to occupy my thoughts with reading.
Once the worst of the storm had passed from our area, I gave thanks for the protection and looked forward to the coming blue sky and sunshine that would follow as the gray storm clouds moved northeast, and on out to sea along with the tremendous wind.
It was a stressful morning and proved to be an equally stressful day at work. Once evening came, I sought respite for my wearied mind in finding a soothing movie; something not too "thinky," but not silly either. I searched and searched only to see repeats of the past month, thinking I would have to sift through my collection of DVD's instead, when I came upon the familiar face of an actor whom I had come to know in the Downton Abbey series. "Sybil," was the beloved character whose sweet and caring personality I had come to love in this series, and I thought this movie, This Beautiful Fantastic, would be worth a try as she was the main character, and as well, Tom Wilkinson, who plays the snarky neighbor of Bella Brown (played by Jessica Brown Findlay-"Sybil" from Downton Abbey) is an all-time favorite, and extremely accomplished and wonderful actor was in a leading role too. So, knowing I needed a calm-down movie after the stressful day, I decided to give it a try.
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It is hard to find a movie that is charming, packed with sentimental and knowingly heartwarming scenes, full of wonderful nuggets to lift your mood. This one, however, filled the bill perfectly!
Bella is a budding writer who works hard to bring her out-of-control, overgrown garden into repair to keep from being evicted from her flat, as well as to please her curmudgeon of a neighbor who makes it his goal to see that she learns the importance of orderliness, but also finds the joy in creating – in this case, botanical beauty. She learns much from this seemingly bad-tempered person, who in the end presents her with a double-fold gift that she never sees coming. It was the perfect medicine for my aching head and frail frame of mind at that piece of time, and it put my heart and soul, that felt as ragged as her garden, back together.
As Bella attacks the "weeds" that turn out to be flowers, she is scolded by Alfie, her botanical-loving neighbor, peering over the fence that divides them.
"I was just trying to tidy up a bit" (Bella). "I think that's what Hitler said about Europe" (Alfie-Tom Wilkinson – the curmudgeon neighbor).
The movie will make you laugh, cry, and, well, wipe away the rain, or at least make you smile through it!
Joy is a choice, and can come in all shapes and sizes. It came to me at the end of a harrowing day, and it came in the form of a Beautiful, Fantastic movie!