I know. Why would I name myself an ace when I'm a queen? Now that I got that shitty joke out of the way I'll tell you what that means. Ace is just a newfangled word for a newfangled term. Ace or asexy stands for asexual. Basically, asexuality is just not being sexually attracted to someone. Personally, I don't get sexually attracted to people, meaning I'd always take cake over sex. However, I am still romantic, meaning, that I can have crushes. I am romantically attracted to any gender because it's about the person. If you're wondering how this works, I'll try to explain it.
When I get crushes, it takes the form of wanting to be completely open emotionally with that person, I want to them to be able to do the same with me. Personally, my forms of affection take the form of "I really wanna hold hands with that person. Or have deep conversations while laying next to each other." If you're wondering how it's different from having really good friends? It's not in practice. To me, that crush feels different than wanting to be just friends. Anywho, if you're wondering how I deal with crushes I'll tell you in the list below. Disclaimer: I'm a goofy, socially awkward human with or without crushes being involved.
1) Make the realization that I like them as something more than a friend.This realization doesn't take that long if they're a stranger that I just happen to know a lot about through friends or social media or just seeing them do shit on this small campus. It's generally easy to figure out if I don't know them personally. If it's someone who's an acquaintance meaning I know them and talk them, it takes a longer time.
2) Tell friends. Most people with close friends do this step. It's just a human thing I'm guessing. Shout out to the Sassiest Oles to Ever Live.
3) Fantasize about hanging out. Yup, I wanna hang out with them, but I don't want them to know I exist. It all makes sense, okay? Okay.
4) Hide away from them? A lot of people who have crushes flirt with their crushes. I personally like to ignore my crush's existence as best as I can because it's more comfortable than being face to face and talking.
5) Stare from afar. Just what I said... I know I'm a creep.
6) Stalk them on social media. You've all done this if you had a crush. Don't fuck with me. "Ohh, you like organic food? Well, I've worked in an organic garden for 4 years. Yas." That was all in my head as I scroll through their pages.
7) Revert to high school version of me if I'm required to talk to them. For those who weren't there when I was in high school, that means I whisper or don't talk to them at all. I'll just listen.
8) Say dumb shit when talking to them. You see my brain and my mouth do a halt when they're near, so some weird shit always pops out like when they say "thank you" and my response "You, too." Whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy?
9) Run from them!!!!! I will literally run from that person in order not to be acknowledged or seen.
10) Don't tell them. Then, I have to explain the whole Ace thing, and they're more than likely not Ace. Then I'm stuck like "Why do emotions make no sense?"