My heart stopped. My breathing stifled within my constricted throat as I stared at the screen in disbelief. He had done it. My boyfriend had removed my initials from his Instagram and Twitter bios. So many emotions racked my body as my shaky fingers dialed his phone number.
"Are you breaking up with me?" I demanded, tears welling within my eyes.
"What are you talking about?" He coolly replied, acting like he didn't know that he had removed me from his bio, effectively removing me out of his life. That is when I knew our time had come. This would be our last conversation. This would be our end. I hung up the phone on him...and our relationship. Although within twenty seconds of hanging up the phone he put my initials back in with a new quote from Kendrick Lamar, I couldn't go back to that toxic relationship. Later that night, I removed him from my bio and took the biggest L I have ever taken before in my entire life.
What has this whole traumatic experience taught me about loss? First off, I learned that this boy was not worthy of my love if he did not plaster my face and name on every possible possession of his, including social medias. I should have been the star of his life. I was his Beyoncé. You don't see Jay Z hiding that beautiful woman from public view because she doesn't belong in the dark. By not having my initials in his bio, he basically told me that he was ashamed to be associated with me. The loss is not suffered by me, rather him.
See, this experience, as heartbreaking as it was, taught me how independent I need to be. No man will give me the love I deserve, no matter how perfect he might seem. Guys are just wired to screw up. I don't need that drama in my life, so I have taken a pledge against falling in love ever again. My heart is gold and should not be handled by the dirty hands of a male. I have decided to dedicate my life to becoming the strongest woman I can be...on my own. I deserve equal rights. I don't need a guy, no matter how beautiful, to open doors for me or to pay for my dinner.
Finally, this experience allowed me to see myself as the beautiful woman that I truly am. I was able to really see my longsuffering heart, holding out for love that wouldn't never be. I am gracious, giving the boy a solid five seconds to explain himself before hanging up. I am strong; I only cried a few tears when he ripped me from his life. As well, I am creative. I have went back through my social media and changed the captions on the pictures of us to clever, witty clips. Maybe these images will make me internet-famous for my beautiful personality and his loss. I just hope that he doesn't make me pay royalties for the use of his name.
What should you get from my experience? First off, realize that this article is purely satirical. This article was inspired by the wonderful Twitter page, @OdysseyRejects; a page purely designed to poke fun at Odyssey Writers. No, I am not the crazy girlfriend who would go to such lengths to just pick a fight with my boyfriend. However, I do want to bring attention to how much emphasis can be placed on social media when it comes to relationships. Some people are like this, and to those people, I challenge you to take a step back really evaluate what your priorities are when it comes to your relationship. I also want you to bring attention to how so many stereotypes exist from the female perspective when it comes to relationships with men from pieces like this. Our society loves to portray guys as heartless and insensitive, rarely treating a girl how she "deserves". Guys deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect that they should treat girls with.
In conclusion, I did not break up with my boyfriend for removing me from his bio for a few seconds. I didn't learn any lessons on loss through that experience and if I did, it would be time lost worrying about something so little. Thanks to @OdysseyRejects for a crazy good article idea.