It's the truth- our mothers were right. Don't you hate to admit it? They may have not known everything, but most of the time, they were spot on. We slammed the door in her face screaming "You just don't understand!" when all along, she really did. Mothers are the gatekeepers of wisdom and the masters of advice. So why didn't we listen? Probably because we were teenagers. Here are 31 things our mothers were 100 percent right about.
1. Don't sleep with your makeup on.
2. He's not worth your time.
3. Nothing good happens past midnight. (That's why you had a curfew.)
4. Don't settle for less.
5. Time heals everything.
6. Wait to have to sex.
7. She's not a good friend. (And she knew it from the beginning.)
8. Don't swear.
9. You CAN do it.
10. Don't rush into things.
11. Wear sunscreen.
12. Apologize.
13. Learn from it.
14. What goes around comes around.
15. Life isn't always fair.
16. You want it, you don't NEED it.
17. Looks aren't everything.
18. Don't call him.
19. Drink a mixed drink.
20. Money can't buy happiness.
21. Stay active.
22. Forgive and forget.
23. Save your money.
24. Patience is a virtue.
25. Be yourself.
26. Your time will come.
27. Do it for the experience.
28. Enjoy being single.
29. Manners get you far.
30. Worrying is a waste of energy.
31. You'll break hearts too.
32. If it was right, it wouldn't be this hard.