Dry mouth, cracked lips, craving for something to satisfy the need inside. It feels as if all the water in the world could not quench the thirst I have… Which is true, in a sense. Water can quench and satisfy my physical thirst, but has no effect on the thirst that is within my soul. Our souls thirst for something that this world could never provide, therefore millions of people search frantically their whole lives for that one thing that will cause them to truly thirst no more. This isn’t how people should live, always discontent and thirsty. We as Christians must listen to our commands and show others where they can find the well that holds the water to heal their dehydrated souls.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that Elohim is the only thing that can satisfy the longing of my soul. I have come to learn this by many failed attempts at trying to quench the thirst inside of me with things other than Yahweh, such as: trying to gain acceptance and approval from others and trying to become beautiful… No matter how many times I try and strive for these things, they never fulfill my longing. Personally, I need reassurance that I am loved, wanted, and worthy. I think it’s just part of my character, now that may be a sin, I’m not sure, but it’s there. And I’ve come to learn over the years that I won’t always be loved, wanted, or found worthy by the people of this earth. The Bible even states that people will hate me and I’ll be rejected, just as Christ was. Whenever I discovered this truth, I was weary. How would I ever feel accepted again? So, I began to search for some way to fill the emptiness that I felt whenever I didn’t feel as if I were those things… Beautiful, Loved, Cherished, Adored, Worthy. Here’s what I learned.
He is the ONLY thing/person that will ever satisfy the desires of my soul. And until I sought after Him and found my identity in Him, I would never ever be able to feel whole and hydrated. I learned that whenever I am hurting, I should first run to him, because He is the only one who can heal my heart. I learned that whenever I feel unattractive, I must realize that I was formed by the Creators hands before the earth was even brought into existence, and that He calls be beautiful. I learned that whenever I feel as if I’m not and will never be loved, that he is the ultimate provider of the greatest love I could ever receive… Do you see my point? He is the only one that can satisfy, and that’s exactly how he planned it, so that we would eventually recognize our need for Him, and that with Him the wells of our souls will never be dry. In fact, they’ll overflow.
I know that I can’t be the only person who has realized this… So why are we not boldly proclaiming that no person needs to search after worthless things anymore? Why are we not constantly sharing that we have found the eternal well, and pointing the way towards it so that other may drink of it’s goodness as well? I’m guilty of this, so I’m preaching to myself. I think that if we have truly experienced the Father, and are in His word, and desiring to do His work, then we will have the desire to proclaim all that He is, and all that He has done to the nations. But that’s just me, I could be wrong.
“Come to the fountain and you can be satisfied”.
John 4:14 – But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.