To my Best Friend’s Boyfriend,
I don’t think I am at the place in my life where I want to acquire another enemy.
I just moved to college, so did you. I spend time after each argument we have trying to rationalize that you are like this because you have never been away from your parents before, and the newfound freedom is getting to your head. I didn’t know you very well before we started school. I had met you over weekends that the school held. Talked to you through texts as the summer passed by. We were all so excited to be at school, and then you messed up the first time.
At first, it was the standard fight between the two of you. You blamed it on the distance between the two of you, and you claimed that you two would be okay as soon as we moved into school. She texted all of us, in hysterics, claiming that she would never be “stupid” enough to go back to you. But then it happened. Over, and over, and over.
When we moved into school, you two weren’t together. However, all of us knew it was only a matter of time. In less than three days, the two of you were back together again, and you were back to your ways. You made her feel like she was useless. You left her when she was sad, and then she came running to me, over and over. Your presence seems to have a cycle.
Soon, our attempted friendship was crumbling. You decided that the best way to retaliate against my disapproval of the relationship that was unfolding in front of me was to attack me in different ways. I didn’t like you before, but you were quickly becoming one of the least liked individuals that I had ever met. I stuck around, because you are dating someone who I care for, and I needed to make sure she didn’t end up hurt.
That was until you hurt me. Purposefully. Repeatedly. You told her that it wasn’t your fault, and she, as per usual, sided with you on that statement. I spent a week avoiding you. I went home that weekend, so I didn’t have to be around you for any reason. Soon, I told my parents about what happened. They weren’t happy. My dad still hates you.
Now, I avoid you, if I can. You know that you still have my number, and I know that you only use it when it concerns you. You attack other people that I care about, in hopes to hurt me, and I can’t do anything about it.
But know this, you think that the only person you are hurting is me. You are so confused. You hurt her. Every minute that you are with her. Who do you think she calls crying? Who do you think she goes to when you get mad enough at outside circumstances that you ignore the woman you claim to love?
You hurt her just by being around. The rest of her friend’s parents have advised their children not to be her friend anymore. They are concerned about their children’s safety. My parents are warning me to stop being her friend too, and yet, I stick around because I know that at some point you will do something, and she will need someone here for her.
So thank you. Thank you for ceremonially wrecking the beginning of my college career. Thank you for keeping her from people who could help her. Thank you for showing a girl who depends on you that your feelings are more important than her, most of the time. And lastly, thank you for staying out of my life. Don’t contact me anymore. We aren’t friends.
The girl you hurt by association