If you go to Ball State, you have more than likely seen junior Mackenzie Klahr rushing around campus. Besides being a member of the Alpha Phi Delta Rho chapter, she is an anchor and producer for Ball State's Emmy Award-winning nightly newscast Newslink Indiana as well as the Assistant News Director for 91.3 WCRD.
Soon, she will be trading her professional newsroom heels for bedazzled ones as she prepares to walk across the Miss Indiana stage this summer. Klahr, who has competed in pageants the past three years, took home the title of Miss Elkhart County on Nov. 8.
Klahr was not new to the Miss Elkhart program this year. After competing and placing first runner-up twice, she was prepared to put her best face forward, but soon realized that her hard work and dedication won her the title of this year's Miss Elkhart County.
How surprised were you when you found out you were Miss Elkhart?
I was so shocked! I remember standing on stage as they called the runner-up position and preparing to step up and claim the title, and then they didn't call my name. My heart dropped when they said I had won. I was so overwhelmed with emotions and excitement and I still am so excited to be Miss Elkhart.
What does it personally mean to you to be crowned Miss Elkhart?
To me it means representing my home in Elkhart county and forming a strong relationship with the community. I want to make the community a better place and change lives one person at a time.
What inspired you to be involved in pageants?
I was Junior Miss Elkhart in 2012 and that inspired me to get involved in the Miss America Organization. It not only provides scholarships for young women, but is a group of women all vying to change the world and promote success.
So as you join this group of women, what do you hope to accomplish with your title?
I really want to implement my platform, which is women's self esteem. I want to encourage the young girls I encounter along the journey to be confident and the best they can be. I want to make a positive impact on these girls and everyone I meet.
Who has been your biggest influence in your life?
I would have to say my dad. He is a hard-worker and an all-around great person. People just love him, which ties back to the experiences and impacting the people you meet. I think that's the most important lesson he has taught me.
How do you think your title will carry over into your life in your news organizations as well as your sorority?
Through the experiences I have I think it will just make me a stronger person and will hopefully lead to me personally accomplishing more things in my other positions and in Alpha Phi. I am so thankful to be involved in these positions and for Miss Elkhart because it means I get to meet phenomenal people all the time.
What is your favorite organization you are involved in on campus?
I love all the organizations I am involved in, but it is our duty as a member of society to know what's going on around us. That's why I love Newslink Indiana. I love finding and telling stories that matter, and news is a great way to do that. It's my passion; I basically spend most of my time in a news room every day.
Where does Alpha Phi play a part in your life?
I honestly don't think I could make it through college without Alpha Phi. I'm just like every other sorority girl: I'm obsessed with my little and can't live without girls in my pledge class. I feel so immersed in our sisterhood. Having a home away from home really makes you want to make a difference and make your sisters proud. I think my sisters are perfect and they inspire me every day, and I want to do the same for them.