The KKK has undergone many deaths and rebirths in its 150 years of existence after being born from the ashes of the confederacy after the civil war. And it's about to make another comeback with the recent announcement that Klan membership has risen steadily in the twilight years of Obama's presidency. Now I have to ask, given what we've seen happen over these past couple of years with the polarizing anti-white rhetoric of black lives matter and the umbrella of social justice, are we really that surprised that this is happening?
I mean just this week we had an ex-soldier who killed eleven cops because he wanted to kill white people, we have Al Queda telling its Jihadis to target white citizens to avoid the hate crime label, we have K-8 schools segregating schools by race and telling white kindergarteners that they're born racist, and all the while the regressive's among us are constantly telling us that white people can never be the victims of racism. On top of that we've thrown the labels "racist" and "Nazi" around so much that this has become an interesting study in the labeling theory of sociology. But somehow we're all still surprised when the confederacy comes back to life overnight. This is a monster that the regressive left has created for its own benefit.
Now I have no love for the far right, and I'd rather not see the Klan make a comeback, but the only way we can beat them is to give them a spotlight. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but when these people are forced underground it only creates a more toxic environment, and as more people eventually get shoved underground the amount of toxic ideological sludge grows with it. If you want to get rid of the toxic sludge you need to uncover it and shine a spotlight at it for all to ridicule. This is probably going to be the start of America's second civil war, and it'll be started by the people who wanted to end racism.