Before we start exploring, we would like to first explain the concept of 'Thinking Out of the Box'.
'Thinking Out of the Box' means thinking in a way that allows you to see a problem, and a solution with broaden insights. To simply put it, thinking out of the box means coming up with creative ideas that are unique and optimal to a situation.
Thinking out of the box cannot be developed from mere memorizing of facts and figures and cramming up text books; such thinking totally depends upon how one's creativity can be boosted, or how one can use their imagination, and telling them that anything is possible.
It is true that it is equally important to be well versed in facts and figures, which in turn creates a well educated mind. But to become someone who can think out of the box we need both, a well formed mind as well as a well educated one.
Here are 5 Reasons Why American Schooling Helps you in Thinking Out of the Box
#1) High School Completion Diploma
When a student has studied all through grade 12, they are awarded with a high school diploma. A diploma can be crucial if a student after their high school decides to work in vocational fields or any other field, a diploma is a clear sign that the student is well versed in grade level English, math, social science, science and other subjects. It not only limits to that alone, but is also acceptable for entering any university in the United States for further studies.
#2) It is One of the Most Prevalent Curriculums
So it's no surprise that it is one of the most prevalent curriculum in the entire world, and why wouldn't it be people are acknowledging its capabilities and how it develops the minds of the students studying according to it. It propels students to be more creative, act and get led through their imagination, while constantly being attuned to the reality of the outside world, and not depend on the information provided in the text books alone.
#3) Teachers and Students Work Together
A teacher teaching according to the American curriculum is not only limited in completion of the text book syllabus, his/her job is to also teach their students the practical aspects as well, so they give them practical assignments; a small effort or emphasis yet worth it, a thing which is so overlooked in non western curriculums which usually are always racing around the syllabus, the text book syllabus, and students play a small part in it; that is memorizing the syllabus to pass in an exam.
#4) It is Flexible
The American schooling culture appreciates the gifts of gods, it acknowledges to the fact that not everyone can become a part of the collective; it gives more emphasis on extracurricular activities, and here it turns flexible, allowing exploration something that happens at the time of colleges in other systems and that too at a secondary level. The society in turn also gets benefits from such flexibility, students are encouraged to work as volunteers and be of service to the community; which develops emotional intelligence in students. American schooling also supports homeschooling.
#5) Creative Evaluation
The only thing that is pressurizing to both the students and parents alike, but unlike other curriculums, American education believes in continuous evaluation; and not only through tests alone but through assignments, group projects, presentations and tests; bringing about a less stressful environment in schools. They understand that dynamic world needs something more than just knowing of syllabus, students need time to pace themselves; so, they can create new things out of the box.
To conclude:
The American school system is actually a good opportunity provided to us. And with the accredited online school revolution that is happening, will indeed change everything. The entire way by which people receive education. No other system can better facilitate a student's mind to think 'out of the box' than the American education system