What it's like thinking like an INTP (introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving type #meyersbriggs); we are a rare breed.
I don't care. No really, I don't. I would rather just learn and move on to the next thing, instead of trying to connect the dots...but I'm obsessed with connecting the dots. However, I get bored with one puzzle and move onto the next without ever fully completing the first 100 puzzles I started. You don't realize how hard it actually is to get from A to B for me, it's like I have ADD while I'm thinking, but really it's every trigger word that leads me down another rabbit trail of information I have learned or am learning, and I never really come back around full circle.
I identify with other INTPs because learning my personality through Meyers-Briggs helped me learn this important aspect of myself. I say this to acknowledge that other thinkers could struggle with this too and not be an INTP. To make matters more difficult, I am a kinesthetic learner and anything you say to me I will more than likely forget unless I write it down or put an alert in my phone. Another thing you should know, my brain never stops thinking. Some people can find a meditative spot where they think about nothing, but I can't - I meditate so I can organize my thoughts and find peace of mind with nicely packaged ideas.
What is my greatest endeavor you may ask? Well, being a part-time working full-time student-athlete I have many contexts in my life. Many of the concepts I learn in school as a Theology major affects all of the contexts in which I live, and I am constantly trying to find harmony and fit everything in. Harmony is very important to me, and change, or learning something new can be very stressful to me as well.
Therefore, as I go through school, I am grudgingly learning to present my thoughts and ideas in a logical way any average human could understand. I'm learning to think, not better, because there isn't anything wrong with us, but more effectively as an INTP. Then I can translate my thinking into logic others can understand. Thinking deeply and excessively is a strength we can be proud of.
Do any of you find yourself thinking like I do? Here are a few tips I can give you to make you a better you:
1. Journal your thought process
Journaling will help you retrace the rabbit trails you went down and the triggers that sent you thinking anything new. Retracing will help you circle back around to point A and find your conclusion.
2. If a thought carries heavy emotions with it, then spend intentional time with it.
This took a long time to learn, but wallowing in those negative emotions will not be beneficial. Instead, learn ways in which to talk yourself through the emotions and express them externally whenever you can (i.e. through art, physical exertions, etc). Also, don't let pride get in the way, go ask for help from someone you know who is trustworthy enough for you to express everything that is bothering you. And last, but not least, journal why you feel the way you do, and how you got to that conclusion.
3. With homework, focus on time management and goal setting
Heavy homework that has new ideas can distract you from your assignment, so it is important to set specific amounts of time to finish the assignment and set a goal of what you need to get accomplished before you dive into a new world of thought. During your set time, journal the thoughts you want to explore later so that you won't forget them.
4. Create a tangible thought board
Much like you see in investigative shows, they will have a wall of connections that help them solve a case. This is what you need to do with big projects. Plus it will downright impress all of your friends.
5. Take time to daydream
I realize all of these tips involve time management, but that is because we can daydream for the rest of eternity. In fact, I bet it's how most of us cope with life. Therefore, since this is such an inherent practice in our thought lives, we need to have downtime or nature time to just let our minds wander with the freedom of no restraints. Our minds are wild stallions and we love it when we can be unbridled and run free through the plains of our thoughts.