As the sun streams down from above, it seems we are able to glimpse, even for just a moment, the wondrous glories of heaven.
Have you ever peered at a sunrise or sunset and wondered. Pondered. Questioned. Is this what heaven will be like?
Bright rays penetrate the darkest of depths in such a vivid and observable manner — perhaps this displays the gentle hand of a Creator. Reaching down. Administering light. Displaying His glory. His love. His majesty.
Light is referenced in the Bible close to 300 times. It is frequently utilized as an illustration that never ceases to hold relevance in our everyday lives. Since we observe light, the effects of light, the usefulness of light, the beauty of light and the absence of light (a.k.a. darkness), we are able to comprehend the pertinence of this metaphor. One such example:
“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” ~1 John 1:7
In this expression, we are given clear instructions of how to follow Christ. Once we have confessed our sins and admitted our need for Jesus’ gift of Salvation (John 3:16), we are told to “walk in the light, as he is in the light.” Therefore, we are given the example of Jesus our Lord and Savior to strive to become more like Him with each year, month, week, day, minute, and even second we are given in this world.
God created us to bring Himself glory. We were created to live the most extraordinary calling known to man! We are called to make His presence undeniable — to point others to the saving knowledge of Him. We are called to SHINE brightly for His glory.
We are told that heaven will be filled with the presence of God and His light will shine forth — Oh, what a wonderful dwelling to be anticipated.