When I think about the future, I always think about where I will be and the kind of person that I'll be. What I always wonder is: will I have graduated Med School, will I have the career I always dreamed about, will I be with a man of my dreams, will I have a big house, will I have a lot of friends? These are only a few questions that run through my head. To be honest, thinking about the future kind of scares me because I have no idea where I will be in 5, 10, or 15 years. I know that there is no way to actually know that, but I still have plans that I hope come true.
My main focus for the future right now is to make it into Med School and eventually go on to become and Emergency Room Physician. Making it into Med School is what scares me the most. I have heard so many stories on how people do not make it in for whatever reason and then they are forced to completely change their intended career path. This scares me! I have dreamed about one day becoming a doctor and hearing these stories makes me wonder if my grades won't be good enough, if I'm not cut out to be a doctor, or even if maybe I shouldn't even be pursuing a career in medicine. Although I am not going to let all of these stories influence my decisions or determine my future, I still can't help but think about the what ifs. I do not have a back up plan right now. I haven't really considered a back-up plan at all because I am set on a career in medicine, but I am starting to wonder if it is something I should really consider coming up with.
All I know for sure, is that I am going to try my best to make sure that my actions now have the biggest influence possible on my future and help me achieve all of the goals that I set for myself. I cannot let the what ifs take over my life. They do not have the power to determine who I will become, I do, and right now, my future is in my hands. I just have to work as hard as I possibly can to make sure that I become everything that I have ever dreamed of becoming.