Everyone’s favorite holiday is Christmas. I love the meaning behind it the holiday, but Jesus came to back to Earth for one particular holiday, and that would be Easter.
He lived.
My Jesus lived. During His lifetime, Jesus showed endless love. Peter denied Jesus three times and what did my Savior do? Jesus loved him anyway. Any sin, any defiance of our faith is set aside by the love of Jesus Christ. My Savior lived a life of example- relentless love. He walked out of his way to a land that most of his people would avoid reaching the woman at the well. The woman had had not only five husbands but was living with another man that was not her husband. Worthy of the longer journey, right? Jesus thought so. He offered her the living water. He had yet to die for her, but he offered her eternal life even though she was not “worthy” on our terms. Why do we refuse to love people we disagree with? How do we forget that the example we are to live by is one of not only unconditional love but love that goes out of its own way to reach a lost soul?
He died.
“There is no love greater than this,” – Our Savior died. The man holding the most power and most love died for us. He did this to represent every shameful thing I could ever do. This man gave us a perfect example of life and love, yet still chose to die for everything we would do that didn’t follow that example. When Jesus died, He took all mistakes, shame, doubts and worries. He put the them in the grave. Everything I have done and will do to hurt the one who loves me more than I could ever love myself buried my mistakes over 2,000 years before I could ever consider it.
He rose.
Everything He did would be for nothing if He did not come out of that grave. That grave that represents death, grief and sorrow could not hold Him. In other words, no evil could stop His love for us. Jesus defeated everything that I feel defeats me. He replaced everything dead in me to give me hope and a future.
Easter is not an Easter bunny, eggs filled with chocolate or a new dress; it is my Savior saving me.
Happy Easter!