Here we are.
Already a quarter way through the new year, and we're still holding back. Why? Why do we let that little voice inside our heads hold us back from doing the things we really want to? Why not just go for it?
We live in such a text book world that says making impulse decisions is not a smart choice. That sticking to the game plan is the way to go. That in order to be successful, we must play it safe. We must be mature, and do the adult thing.
But why? Why not just do what you want? Even if it's scary, you should just go for it.
Yes, you will fail. Yes, people will doubt you. People will kick you when you are already down. They will tell you that you're dumb for wanting to risk so much. Ya know, maybe you are. Maybe they are right, but who cares? Just go for it.
Think about this for a second.
What is something that you really want to do, but can't seem to pull yourself together and do it?
Is it something of material matter, a plane ticket, signing up for a theatre program, starting your own company?
Is it something that will make your soul crave more of? Will it bring joy to your life? Does it absolutely scare the life out of you because you're worried about the outcome? Are you, yourself, holding back because you don't like the unknown or change?
Whatever your reason may be, forget about it. I think you should just do it. I really do.
Forget what you learned about playing it safe. Forget the rules. Make your own! Make yourself a new normal.
Here's the thing about life: we will always be unsure of the future, that will never change. What can change, though, is how we respond to life. If we start living without worry of the future, or doubt of what we are doing, and open our arms to whatever comes our way, and say "yes" to everything we want to do, we are going to be happy with the outcome. Even if you fail, fall, or lose something because of it, I guarantee you will be much happier that you just went for it.
We do not find fulfillment by standing on the sidelines; we need to get in there and play the damn thing. We need to do what makes up happy, what feeds our soul. We need to be alive, not just living.
And you wanna know what I think will make that happen? I think you should just go for it.
Life, that is.