Sometimes, words feel like swords being thrown at you when they are said out of spite and anger. See, the thing with me is even amidst a fight, I won’t say those hurtful words back because I am aware that how I perceive someone or even a situation isn’t always actually the truth.
It’s my perception of the truth, and however real it may be for me, someone else who is also experiencing the same thing may not see it the same way I do. With that being said, who am I to throw out hurtful accusations and names when most people are just doing the best they can?
I am obviously entitled to my own thoughts and beliefs, and I live in America so my right to free speech is there, but in the moments of being overwhelmed with emotions, I still ask myself if I were to say this, would it make them a better person or am I just saying this to fight fire with fire and hurt them?
Am I saying this out of a place of love or am I coming from a place of contempt or being hurt?
Awhile back, I was in a fight with someone I cared a lot about, and I had always valued their opinion of me. I read through some of the old texts from him, saying how I lived in a fairytale and had unrealistic goals for a relationship and being in love, and it was HIS job to tell me, so I didn’t waste another minute of MY time.
The thing is, it wasn’t his job or anyone else’s job to tell me this because this is my reality— it’s not a fairytale, my dreams are attainable, my views on love are not up for debate. My reality is made up of my circumstances and choices.
Basically, words can be hurtful and bruise the soul some, but deep down, I believe most people are good and don’t have bad intentions; however, one’s tongue can dig them deep into a hole they didn’t intend to be in.
So be open for constructive criticism and to hear your friends and family out when they have something to say, but I’ve learned to take hurtful words from others with a grain of salt when they are from a place of anger, resentment, jealousy, etc. Words hurt, don’t contribute to someone’s pain.