1. They still try to zoom into Instagram pictures
No matter how many times you remind them that it doesn't work like that.
2. They still manage to block the camera lens with their thumb.
Mom just wishes flip phones would make their comeback at this point.3. They'll still never fully accept RedBox after experiencing the glory that was once BlockBuster.
Ask them. They'll admit it.
4. The suggestion to play board games will never have an expiration date.
And you best know mom's determined.
5. The concept of hashtags are still foreign to them
6. Your parents are convinced that karaoke or charades are still the best way to get a party started
No shame, mom.
7. They still use the house phone
8. They still wish Barnes and Nobles was around.
9. 98% chance "Back to the Future" is still one of your parents' favorite films of all time.
Not even Avatar can beat your parents standard of special effects now.
10. Your parents still crack jokes that were only relevant 20 years ago.
But you love every ounce of them anyway.