To the man who taught me that there's no ailment laughter can't cure.
The man who taught me everything I know about rock and roll.
The man who taught me to be respectful and professional.
The man who taught me to fearlessly and relentlessly stand up for myself.
The man who taught me to know my self-worth and settle for nothing less.
The man who taught me to consider how my actions affect others.
The man who taught me to weigh my options and play devil's advocate before forming an opinion.
The man who encouraged his children to work hard to achieve their dreams.
The man who helps me see the warrior inside, even when the worrier speaks the loudest.
The man who loves my mom.
The man unafraid to leave room for new growth.
The man who sat through my college graduation ceremony even though he threw out his back and could hardly walk.
The most woke man I know, my dad.
For all that and more, thank you.