Throughout high school, everyone has that some type of sport he or she falls in love with. There are the girls who play softball, tennis, basketball, and run track. Then, there are the girls who participate in dance/drill team. Being apart of the dance team is one of the most memorable moments from your past. Here are some things that high school dance team members are sure to experience.
1. Catching butterflies before every performance
No matter how many times you've performed in front of the same crowd, you will always tend to feel a little nervous before each performance. Most of the time, it's because you're constantly wondering if you will make it through the entire performance without mistakes, if the music skip or how the crowd will respond to the current week's dance.
2. Summer UDA camp will be both fun and exhausting
Going to dance camp is one the first steps to someone becoming an actual member of the team. It is also a time for learning and team bonding. While at camp, it's exciting to meet to new people and learn new dances. By day 3 of camp you are usually exhausted from performing dances for the UDA staff on top of having to learn new ones. Bringing home blue ribbons and a first place trophy at home routine will make all the hard work and effort put in during summer practices and at camp all worth the while.
3. You'll use hairspray for just about everything
You'd think that hairspray would be used for just your hair. Nope, not in dance. Hairspray will be used for just about all of your problems. Shoes too slippery or you catch a snag in your tights? Grab a can of hairspray--it'll do the trick!
4. Hearing the words "Let's do the dance one more time" actually meaning 20 more
It's the Thursday before game day and there are plenty of moves to be perfected. After doing the dance a numerous amount of times and being told how great the dance has come along, you'll always hear those words "let's do the dance one more time." After about the third time you start to wonder, "gosh, how many times is one more time?"
5. You'll start to do dance moves in your head every time you hear an old song you've danced to
No matter how many times you've had to listen to a song over and over again during practice, every time you hear it it's just instinct to do the moves. After repeating the dance moves about 50 times a week, it's hard to forget them. Years and years will pass and there will always be those certain dances you'll never forget.
6. Having to choreograph dances for an entire squad
Finding music to dance to is normally a piece of cake. Next comes the choreography. It's easy to choreograph a dance until you have to incorporate about 15 other girls. Despite the number of times you've gone over dance moves and formations in your head, there's always a little tweaking to be done when the entire squad is involved.
7. Pep Rallies, Friday night football games and long bus rides
As a dancer, Fridays are the most exciting times of the week. Not only do you get the chance to take long bus rides and cheer on your school's football team, but the best part of all is performing the dance you've worked so hard all week practicing.
8. It's senior year and you have to say "goodbye"
Dance has been your life for the past four years of high school. All sporting events and competitions are over and it's now time to say goodbye. This will be one of the most toughest things to do. Cherish every moment you get to spend with your dance sisters. One day dance won't be your life anymore. One day you'll put on your dance uniform for the last time. One day you'll march onto the football field and dance to one last song. You'll no longer get to complain about the long hours of practice or feel the queasy feeling of having to preform in front of hundreds of people. No longer will you hear the words "let's do the dance one more time." Take the time to make your high school moments memorable, because one day dance won't be your life anymore.