If you are going abroad next semester, or maybe if you are just returning home from overseas and will be coming back to Rochester in a few weeks, then you can probably relate to some, if not all of these. You took your last finals, said your long goodbyes, had a bittersweet last night sleeping in the dorms, or a few last hours in the PRR. Then suddenly you're headed home to embark on the journey of your lifetime; a semester abroad. It's scary, exciting, and may be the best time you have (besides college, of course), and you can't wait to walk onto that plane and land in another country. But more likely than not, there's some things you'll miss in the United States, but specifically at the University of Rochester and Rochester, NY.
1. The Snow
The last few weeks are certainly not an indication of what a Rochester winter is actually like, so you might find yourself missing the snow come spring break. If you are going to a country with a warmer climate it could be a year until you are graced with the presence of the fluffy, white H2O. But rest assured, you'll see it again next year, or next semester. That first snowfall, snowball fight on the Quad, building a snowman, or sliding down the Sue B hill will be cherished and will not be forgotten.
2. Rush Rhees
The "Nipple of Knowledge" as some call it, gives intellectual inspiration to those students who study in it. But I'm sure we'll all still be smart abroad.
3. Wilson Commons
I guarantee you will see at least one person you know while walking through Wilson Commons to either take the tunnels, grab your Tapingo order, wait in the Starbucks line, go to an event in Hirst, or grab some food from the pit. It's nice knowing people when you walk around campus.
4. The Tunnels
Speaking of tunnels and snow, I know we'll all be missing the tunnels, especially if we're going to a cold country. I always tell prospective students that it's one of the best things about the school; taking them to get to class at least, but painting them is fun too!
5. The GAC
There's nothing like watching a basketball game in the palestra, especially when we have a big student section. The gym isn't so bad either, at least when it isn't crowded. But it is pretty convenient to stroll out of bed and walk to the gym, rather than drive a few miles just to workout.
6. The Dining Service Workers
Some of the people serving us food are sweet and caring and can put a smile on your face even when you are having a bad day. Like Dawn :)
7. Fauver Stadium
A great place to watch (or play) a sporting event, or even get a workout in.
8. The Genesee
As disgusting as it may look up close, it does look pretty in pictures. Plus it's the name of our alma mater. #Respect
9. The Graffiti in Stacks
Sometimes they offer some wise words during those late study sessions.
10. Your floor mates
I don't know about you, but I live on an entire floor with my sorority sisters. It's great having a lounge of people to come home to, cook food with, or binge watch Netflix.
11. Your friends
It's like freshmen year all over again going to a school in a different country. You have to make new friends and you're apart from your current friends for an entire semester, plus a break.
12. Your teammates
Whether you play varsity, club, or intramural sports, you miss your teammates all the same. I know mine will have a spring season without me and I'll miss spending one last semester with my seniors.
13. Dandelion Day
One of our school's longest standing traditions, but we'll be missing it while we're abroad. From the concert, to the carnival, games, food trucks, and free give-a-ways, there's tons of fun to be had with your friends. It's okay though, we'll be having fun abroad and we still have next year.
14. The Carillon
Some people find it annoying, while others are entertained by the tunes that come from above Rush Rhees. Either way, the Hopeman Memorial Carillon is a Rochester classic since 1973 and among only seven carillons in the state of New York. If you can hear the 50 bells ring, you're probably running late for class.
15. Gleason
We all know you don't go to Gleason if you actually want to get work done. But it is a social place where you are likely to see all of your friends. Surely you'll miss it. And maybe the all nighters you spent here or the IT Center.
16. Wegmans
Need I say more? If you didn't know about Wegmans before coming to Rochester, you certainly do now. How are we ever going to live without it?
17. The couches in Welles-Brown Room
When you visited Rochester as a prospective student, the Meridian probably opened the door and you and your parents saw a sleeping student. And now that's you. Don't fret, you'll be back snoozing on the sofas in no time.
18. The UR Shuttle
Whether you dedicate a couple of hours to go to Marketplace, downtown to Eastman and Java's, or just the Gold Line to get home at night. You've probably had some interesting rides along the way. Sometimes it's a pain in the butt, but sometimes you also get free entertainment.
19. The Food
And I wasn't talking about on campus. I'm talking about the Chipotle minutes from campus, Dino BBQ, Sticky-Lips, the Public Market, the Distillery, John's Tex-Mex, or a famous Garbage Plate, or grab some friends and head to Good Luck.
20. The City of Rochester
When you go out and explore, there really are a lot of great things to do and see in Rochester. I've gotten a small taste but there's so much more to do when I come back from abroad. Explore downtown. Go to Pittsford. Go to an Amerks or Redwings game. Go to the Lilac Festival in May. Head to a Trivia Night at the Old Toad. Grab some friends and head to Mex. There's so much to do! And it'll all be here when we get back!
Safe travels! Don't forget about the Flower City and our beautiful campus! Meliora!