Your teammates understand the struggles and the pain. They are sitting right next to you in the training room getting their ankles taped before practice just like you. Their presence helps push you through those rough sprints and celebrate the better days. They get you when you feel like you've had enough, but never let you quit. And over time, you grow close to your team and they become your best friends. A true group of friends that feel like a real life family away from home.
Your teammates are probably the craziest people you’ve ever met. They are loud and proud of it. They are not afraid to blast anything from High School Musical to Lil Yachty in the locker room. Also, your team most likely doubles as a dance team, especially for dances popular on social media.
Your teammates are your support system. Upperclassmen treat you like you are their younger siblings and will always be looking out for you. They love you and only want to see you do the best you can. You can look to your them for advice on practically anything.
In inter-squad scrimmages, your teammates are no longer your friends. You push each other to get better and work your butt off to beat them to the ground balls. But afterward, you brush it off and realize that it's not personal, it's lacrosse. That's just the way it works when your teammates double as your friends.
Whether or not you are on the field doesn't change how your teammates have your back. They are always there to help you when you really need them, whether that's re-defending a fast break, driving your to practice, or helping you with calculus homework.
When coming to a new team, your coaches can be intimidating. They seem almost unapproachable, no matter how many times they say you can talk to them. It only takes about 2 weeks until you realize they're really just your crazy aunts or uncles. Out of practice, they are unexpectedly easy going and friendly once you get to know them. The coaches are usually the last people you approach as a first year, but as soon as you get to know them you finally feel at home on your team.
Coming from all over the United States, a collegiate lacrosse team brings a great level of diversity. It’s an awesome way of meeting all sorts of people - coming together for a similar passion. Your team is your strength, they are your motivation, and they are your family away from home.