If you're about to head into your freshman year of college, you're probably already thinking about packing and moving the hell out. Planning and decorating your own place is a dream, but overpacking is a thing- and its dangerous. Here are a few things that have little to no purpose in your college life and/or aren't worth the investment.
Physical textbooks
Most textbooks can be found online, and if you look hard enough, you can usually find some form of a textbook for free. Throwing an upwards of $100 on a physical copy is painful and ends up being unnecessary.
A printer
People actually bring or consider bringing printers to college, but I promise you that most, if not all, colleges provide you with free access to printing.
A giant crate of water
If you have a meal plan, then investing in a 32 pack of water bottles every other week is a waste of money (and plastic!!) Buy a reusable water bottle instead and fill it up every time you go to the dining hall.
School supplies
Things like binders, fancy ballpoint pens and markers are rarely used and are another useless purchase that most freshman end up spending too much money on. Considering most classes are online and require you to use your laptop, you only really need a few good pencils, a pen, and some notebooks for extra note-taking.
An absurd amount of snacks
I made the mistake of bringing a copious amount of snacks and it's safe to say that I didn't end up eating most of them. Things would either rot in my fridge or collect dust on the shelf over the course of a semester- a dining hall, a bunch of swipe-able cafes and the occasional Grubhub will do the trick.