Things You Will Probably Do If You Are Broke Over Spring Break | The Odyssey Online
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Things You Will Probably Do If You Are Broke Over Spring Break

Things You Will Probably Do If You Are Broke Over Spring Break

1. Work: Work is gross, no one wants to do it, but if you are like most college students, you need the money. Whether it is mowing the lawn at home, cleaning cars for spare change, working at that job you held all though high school, whatever gives you the pocket change you need to drive that beat up car from point A to point B.

2. Go to a "local landmark" in your city: Most cities have that one place that is free that everyone goes to on a nice day, in my town it is the City Cemetery, if you're broke over spring break, you and your broke friends will possibly end up at one of those places at least one time during the break.

3. Google "Free things to do in (insert city and state here)": At least once in everyone's life they have googled "Free things to do" or "Cheap easy fun" or "What can i do for fun for free" Living the broke life is a struggle, and what is even more frustrating is when you have to google ideas because you have ran out of ideas

4. Drive to a town that is slightly less boring than your own: For me, i went to visit my roommate, but in reality i did nothing different than what i was doing at home, we went all over her town, but it was more fun because i wasn't at home, the change in scenery really helped.

5. Binge watch the show on Netflix you've had your eye on: Whether it be Grey's Anatomy (woo!!!!), Walking Dead, Friends, Orange is the New Black, whatever, you binge it and live vicariously through the characters. If you're like my friends, you call each other with things like "I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HE DIED!!!!!" And you're stuck mending the broken heart that beloved characters crushed.

6. Complaining: Another thing you will probably do over spring break (or any break really) is complain about how much you're tired of being broke. "I want to go out ti eat but my bank account is over drawn three dollars" or "If you buy this time I'll buy next time" are common phrases that you will say over break and your family and friends from home will look at you with pity and hopefully pay for that meal you desperately need.

7. SLEEP: All semester you have begged for the chance to see, FINALLY you have the perfect escape! Sleeping is perfect when you're broke over break because in your dreams, you can go ANYWHERE your heart desires. From Chine to Mars there is no limit when it comes to dream land. So put those ratty sweats on and drink some milk and just crash.

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