First Semester of College
1. This won't be so bad
Always having a good attitude towards class and college. You don't know what to expect but your excited about the new adventure.
2. I can't wait to do things on my own
Life is going to be easy! I can do whatever I want whenever I want!
3. Some professors aren't too bad
Your new to the world of professors and don't know which ones are good or bad.
4. I'll do my homework as soon as I get home!
Your anxious to get your homework done so you can do your absolute best and be prepared for the next class
5. I 'll go ahead and start on my next assignments
Even better you want to be ready for next week assignments so you go ahead and do them because you have free time on your hands.
Last Semester of College
1. I'm done.. I can't take it anymore..
You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and just wish you could get there sooner. Yet, there is so much to get done before that happens. You just want to stop everything and sleep all day hoping it gets here faster.
2. I can't wait to get out of here
You can't wait to leave the college you are at now to either start your career or be at your next school if you are transferring.
3. Uses like crazy and still gets awful teachers...How?
You use this website as a reference to chose the best professors and you still end up with a crazy wacko professor...
4. The professors have no idea what they are doing. Why are they even here?
you wonder how your professors got their job. Whether it be because they have no idea about what they are teaching on, or social skills, or something else, you think about it every time you have that class.
5. I'll do my homework later... the day before/day of.. oh yea i need to do that assignment still
When you get to class and find out your assignments you say you'll do it within the next couple of days when in reality you know you won't do until the day before or the day of..