Syllabus week is over, and now the semester has officially begun. No more introductions and going over expectations for the semester. Everything is written in the syllabus in black and white and it's your responsibility to keep up. From this point on (for the most part) you control your own fate. Don't read a chapter or do an assignment, and your grade will suffer. It's your responsibility now, there are no excuses, you must do what is expected of you.
I know, that kind of sounds terrifying, and often times the to-do list of assignments and other responsibilities can be overwhelming and stressful. It can impact our eating, sleep and other lifestyle choices. But here's something that you must remember...
You can do anything you set your mind to.
Don't stress yourself out if you have writer's block or can't focus on an assignment. Take a break. Go for a walk. Go to the gym. Watch an episode on Netflix. Grab a bite to eat. Even take a nap. Don't force yourself to keep working and dig yourself into a bigger hole as a result, thus making yourself even more stressed.
Eat well. Sure, college leads to snacks, tons of mac 'n' cheese, Ramen and other such unhealthy food choices (aka Chinese takeout/pizza since the dining hall is only tolerable for so long). At times it may be hard, just grabbing something to eat out of convenience, but be aware of what you eat and when, it can drastically effect your mood and productivity. Whenever possible take the time to eat a balanced meal and try to avoid late-night snacks. Every once in a while is fine, everyday, not so much.
Get some sleep. If you are exhausted while sitting in class, you will struggle to retain and comprehend the material being covered. If you don't retain the material, you will likely struggle with your assignments and assessments, your grade will suffer. Try to get some sleep or take a nap because it's better than no sleep.
Take care of yourself. Prioritize what is important. Yet also enjoy your time in college because it only lasts so long. Make the most of it while you can, and make as many memories as you can. Keep up with as many assignments as you can so you don't overwhelm yourself. Get involved on campus. Meet new people. Socialize and make friends.
If you're stressing out and buried under a never-ending stack of assignments (or just exhausted from your busy life schedule,) remember that you're not alone. You and the rest of your classmates are probably on the same boat. Get together and study or take a break and have a movie night. Go into the city or just get off campus for a little while.
The goal of college is obviously the educational experience, but you can't do that effectively if you don't take care of yourself. College isn't strictly about schoolwork either, so get into a routine and stick to it as much as possible. It makes budgeting your time and scheduling your day a whole lot easier.
College isn't easy, so when your frustrated and stressed, remember that you can do anything you set your mind to!